iOS 5 newsstand application icon所提就可以解決,不過討論完後,根本不需要啊~都砍光光~比較快~
iOS 5 newsstand application icon討論串就貼在底下了
I just did a quick test. In my project I put the icon files in the main app directory, where main.m resides. They are called Icon.png and Icon@2x.png for the application icons, and Newsstand-Cover-Icon.png and Newsstand-Cover-Icon@2x.png
The CFBundleIcons section of the *.plist file (found in the main app directory) looks like this:
Other relevant sections of the *.plist file are set to this:
You may have to build and launch your app on the device a couple of times, before the icons appear on the Newsstand shelf.
You can edit *.plist files with a text editor like TextWrangler (free), TextMate (paid), or MacVim (free).
Hope this helps!
iOS 5 newsstand application icon
Contents of the UINewsstandIcon Dictionary